Monday, September 12, 2011


Bible words for today:

Our sweet JESUS is always near us and whenever we call upon HIM for help HE will deliver us from our troubles and shower us with everlasting joy. HIS love is immeasurable. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Thus says the LORD:
''I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy;
MY house shall be built in it..
MY cities shall again spread out through prosperity;
the LORD will again comfort Zion and will again choose Jerusalem.''

Please come in to our lives Almighty Savior and revive us to prosperity and peace. 

''Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer''
Psalm 19:14
Help me DADDY to live before you with holiness in my words, deeds and thoughts of my heart forever.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Treat hair loss from home

Home Remedies Hair Care Tips
Are you facing severe depression because of hair loss problem? Are you craving to posses long, dense and shiny soft hair?  Do not worry, search no further, you can now learn the secret tricks to manage and maintain your unmanageable hair.  
1.     Boil pure fresh coconut oil and put some bitter curry leaves in to it and keep boiling for few more minutes. Once the essence of the herb and oil blend together you can now store it in a bottle. Massage your scalp to strengthen and nourish your hair follicles.
2.      Mix mustard oil to one fourth of fresh coconut oil. Add three menthol pieces and juice from a lime. This can also be massaged to add texture and softness to your hair.
3.     Boil coconut oil and henna leaves and keep it aside in a bottle. This is a good conditioner. Store it in a tight container.
4.     If you are suffering from dandruff then the best hair loss treatment is to rub juice of lemon in to the scalp.
5.     Rosemary is also a good conditioner and tonic for your dry brittle hair.
6.     Puree of carrots can be applied for more bouncing strong hair.
7.     Drink plenty of water to cure hair loss
8.     Mix coconut milk with two table spoon of gram flour and apply it to your hair for the health hair.
9.     Beat skimmed milk with an egg massage in to the scalp
10.   Avoid using harsh shampoos with harmful chemicals.
These are the top ten hair loss treatments which helped me in repairing my broken damaged hair. Nourish your hair with proper home remedies.         

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Pretty Evil Queen of Snow White?

Wow! Have you ever imagined the pretty woman Julia Roberts is now the evil queen of the Fairy World? Yes, Walt Disney is celebrating the 25th anniversary this year and is planning to release a special evolution of the enticing story Snow White. This fascinating 43 years old lady love is now casted as the evil queen in the movie Snow White and it was announced by the director Tarem Singh. He confirms that Julia has the face that is unconventional. The new edition of this extraordinary dream tale the Snow White would be incomplete without the spooky evil queen. And Singh says that no one can be more suitable choice for the character of the likable evil queen of Snow White Fairy tale more than- beautiful Julia Roberts. Singh said that it was really a tough situation to choose the perfect fit for the little old evil queen to play the role of a love triangle role with the prince and Snow White Lily Collins. Now you are to be enchanted and seduced by this passionate Pretty Queen Julia!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Most Effective Hair Loss Treatments!

Every heart aches when clusters of hair just hangs from their hair brush. It sure is the worst nightmare for most of the people. It has been discovered by the scientists that hair fall up to one hundred strands in a day is very normal for every human being. Yes! When you read the number you might consider it to be a huge percentage but the beauty is new strands will start growing from the place where it has fallen.
The real problem commences as the person gets older and the hair loss increases. Even hormonal imbalance, loss of blood, poor nutrition or due to some medications there might be heavy hair fall. But do not lose hope there are so many effective hair loss treatments available in the market in order to help in growth of the lost strands of hair and to nourish them.
Diet plays an important role in the loss of hair. Proper healthy diet should be taken in order to stop the hair being shed any further. Be choosy and include food rich in vitamin B and also Biotin and folic acid, these vitamins provide the essential protein in the appropriate amount. Another effective hair loss treatment to pamper and nourish your hair is by massaging the scalp. The massage unclogs the hair follicles and allows the necessary nutrients and minerals to reach deep within the roots of the hair and make them strong and healthy. Rogaine which contains the monodoxil is the basic hair creams used for massage is the best effective hair loss treatments. You can also use coconut oil or castor oil or even olive oil to enhance the massage procedures.
Saw palmetto and the Nettle root are the two herbs which are considered as the key ingredient for effective hair loss treatments products. These help to produce more of DTH a hormone which is very essential for the normal growth of hair without any loss. Norukin is also a natural product which provides the effective hair loss treatments. There are oceans of medicines, hair oils and shampoos available in the market and be cautious while choosing the brand and the product that gives you maximum protection against the hair loss.
Hair are also transplanted surgically these days as an effective hair loss treatments and is becoming more popular among the people who are in desperate need of lots of hair and who wants to enhance their beauty. Since this treatment is little costly they are not opt by many people. But it is better if you try using normal effective hair loss treatments to grow your hair healthy. Surgery sure is only for patients with emergency reasons or some real cause.
Your hair represents the real you, it shows how responsible you are towards yourself. You can find so many fantastic information about the effective hair loss treatments and beauty tips in the qualified web pages, which have wide varieties of natural products fully prepared with herbal ingredients which has no side effects and targets for your optimum healthy looking hair. Be smart make the right choice and nourish your hair!

Nurture your Hair the Proper way!

One of the worst nightmares is the excessive hair loss in women. Though the loss is not as significant as baldness as in men. But it sure causes thinness and dull looking hair, which ends up in lowering the self esteem of the woman. There are many causes for excessive hair loss in women but the main among them is the hormonal changes that take place within the female body. The reduction in the level of estrogen is the main cause for the hair fall in large amount.
The mental stress and tension that the women go through in their everyday activities, intake of some medicines such as the contraceptive pills and even some severe illness can cause hair damages. But basically the hormonal imbalance is the major contributor for the excessive hair loss in women. The woman goes through the increase in the hormone level known as the DHT. This is a genetic problem and can be rectified with proper medications. Therefore it is essential that you consult a Doctor and properly diagnose about the root of the cause for the excessive hair loss in women before starting any medications. There are oceans of products available in the markets for improving the health of hair and that supplies all the important nutrients needed for a strong hair growth. But you should be very careful in choosing the right brand of products. The 101Hair USA is an online service which has dedicated them in providing you the best information regarding the excessive hair loss in women and also the remedies through their products which are prepared exclusively by hair experts with optimum care to provide the perfect remedy for the hair fall.
  But remember that the averagely 100 hairs can be shed up in a day.  But if this increases then it sure must be treated as emergency. You can find hair in your pillow, in your hair brush, and everywhere around your home. Then you can confirm that you also have been struck by excessive hair loss in women. There are so many treatments available for improving the luster of your hair and give it a fantastic look.  Shampoos and soaps make your hair dry therefore it is enough if you use them just one time in a day. After the bath you should handle your hair with utmost care by not rubbing it vigorously using any cloth or towel, and also take care never to dry your hair by using the blow dryer, because the excess of heat can damage the hair frolic and results in the excessive hair loss in women. If you want to make new hair styles for that special night party then you must do them only after drying the wet hair.
The hair reflects the real you, and shows specifically if you are neglecting yourself. Even if you have damaged your hair until today you can visit the cosmetic stores to purchase hair care products such as the combs and also hair products such as shampoos and nourishing creams which are produced from natural ingredients to meet the every specific cause of excessive hair loss in women. Enrich your hair with proper nutrition and cherish them!

Satisfy your Lust for Lustrous Hair!

A healthy and lustrous looking hair sure is considered as the biggest asset for every female. It enhances the beauty of the wonderful lady. But more women are experiencing heavy hair loss due to various factors. Hair loss and baldness are the common happening for the men, but for women it sure creates a shrilling sense of nightmare.
The basic factor that influences that the female hair hormone loss brings to the lady is a feeling of mental depression. The crowning glory of a female can be due to something that you have done to your hair like coloring or curling. At times these kinds of treatments might contain harmful chemicals. But worrying about the hair loss actually increases the severity of the problem, because the hair might be lost even due to problems in psychological factors. Hereditary factor can also lead to loss of hair. But it is not purely genetic
The main cause for the problems is the female hair hormone loss.  The most important factor for the hair loss is the hormonal imbalance factor that occurs in the lady’s life. Estrogen is the female hormone which helps in the efficient functioning of the internal body organs. If the level of estrogen becomes very low than the required level it affects the nutrients and vitamins supply to the hair follicles and the female hair hormone loss occurs. Thus the women in her fifty’s who is in the post menopausal period of time might face the problem of hair fall and this is mainly because of the estrogen level reducing and this might cause severe reactions to the female hair and her body.
But some women who have been taking some pills like may be the contraceptive pills might also be affected with female hair hormone loss.   This is because certain medicines like the contraceptive pills might contain chemicals to decrease the estrogen production. And also women go through hormonal changes during the period of pregnancy and also after giving birth to the child they might experience female hair hormone loss. This is because after the delivery of the baby the mother starts to lose her vitamins and minerals which leads to a great hormonal depletion.
There are times when the females might have iron deficiency which automatically ends up with the hormone changes. And also improper care of the hair can also results in severe female hair hormone loss. Regular care should be taken to rake care of this precious part of you. If you want any guidance or products for improving your hair you can log in to the hair care website where they provide detailed information regarding the female hair hormone loss and gives you lots of remedies for the damages created. They have introduced hair loss treatment products which greatly understand the agony the women are going through because of the female hair hormone loss. And all these beneficiary products do not have any side effects since they are produced by natural ingredients. The neglect of hair is the first symptom of neglecting and denying yourself. Therefore take care of your hair!

Green Gym!

Garden Gym

Exercise to attain optimum health
Obesity is the worst enemy for good healthy body parts; it slowly damages the inner organisms in a drastic manner. Therefore in these days almost everybody has become very much conscious about the health concepts and the importance of exercises in order to attain ultimate healthy body and to protect the organs from any damages.  Most of them go to gym to exercise with the steel equipments and a trainer’s guidance. It is a good way to lose that extra calories, but the better way to enhance the benefits of exercising is by doing those work outs in the fresh and green surrounding.
Green exercise
Even doctors are prescribing these days for their patients, exercises in the open air gym. They say that the exercising in the nature improves the health and also helps in strengthening the body tissues and protect them from any threats and dangers of the future. It enhances the self esteem of people suffering from mental instability and depressions and helps them to forget their worries and start enjoying the sweet fragrance of the flowers. By setting up a gym in your garden you can enjoy both the benefits of green exercising and the goodness of gym.
Set up your own gym in your garden
The first step involved in setting up a garden gym is to consider the space available in your home garden in order to build a timber cabin where you can do normal exercises or yoga. But if you want to set up all your equipments like the cross trainer and the treadmill you should try to create more additional garden space building for allocating these equipments.

So You Think you Know Everything about abs? Check this out now!

Importance of exercise
One of the hard tasks in exercise is toning the abdominal muscles. Therefore people with flat abs and who have attained six pack abdomen muscles are greatly admired and appreciated. The six packed abs says a lot about the total dedication and the burning inner passion for optimum health of that particular person. Therefore flat abs alone should never be your target, but you must aim to get a toned up total abs fitness.
5 fitness abs you should have
1.      The first thing you should calculate is your total Body Mass Index and can continue in your Endeavour only if your score is low. If it is not low then you should start dieting and exercising more until you obtain it.
2.      Once you have achieved the correct BMI score then you must check if you are working to strengthening your whole abs. usually most people do only Crunches in order to enhance the front abs muscles. But you must consider doing more core muscle exercise to strengthen the abs.
3.      You should do exercise to strengthens the upper and lower abs muscles. The strongest of the abs muscles is the upper abs muscles.  Therefore start strengthening and toning up this upper abs first.
4.      Concentrate also in doing exercise for the transverse abs muscle strengthening for balanced movements.
5.      The oblique exercise helps in strengthening muscles situated along the sides of abdomen. Thus your abs workout should strengthen all the core muscles such as the back and butt muscles that are surrounding the abs.
Precautions to be taken
While doing the abs strengthening muscles it is essential to do them with optimum safety for the spine and back bones. Happy exercising!

Relax to Lose Calories!

Are you Feeling tired of your workout routine?
People have started exercising with so much effort in order to reduce the extra calories and enhance the health with optimum results and live long with fitness and beauty. But there are times when you feel worn out or tired of your everyday workout routines. They do vigorous aerobics; go to gym, walking and jogging, swimming and yoga and many more in order to keep themselves fit but there comes a day when your body feels tired and exhausted.
Reasons for taking rest from workout routine
People who have passion for workouts never listen to the agony and pain of their body and they continue doing the exercises, because they are afraid that they might be regaining the lost weight. They believe that if they do not workout they might be ruining the day and so feels guilty. Actually the rest from workout is a must and should be taken by people who are doing regular exercise without skipping. Taking a break from the everyday exercise routine helps to repair the muscle tissues which are damaged during the continuous heavy exercise.
When and how to take rest
Our body talks to us through its body languages which must be understood and carefully followed. At that time the body cannot respond to the urge to do exercise and might be feeling fatigue and tired. You can take a break for two days a week or on weekends depending upon each person’s preferences and body capacity. Listen carefully to your body pain and provide rest to it!

Shhhhh......Unleash the Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets!

ricki lake before and after lossing weight

Importance of weight loss
In today’s speed world of technology people are not much of the jobs they are involved with have any physical activities and added to this is the unhealthy diets such as the junk food, oily fried foods and more of confectioneries kind of foods rich in carbohydrates and starch. This enhances of the person to suffer from chronic hazardous diseases such as the heart failures, cancer, bone disease, high blood pressure and Diabetes. Therefore it is very much essential that you follow a healthy diet and proper exercising in order to burn those extra calories in order to achieve the weight loss.
Celebrity’s secret of weight loss and healthy diet
We get more attracted to extraordinary people who have achieved in their lives because of their ability to totally dedicate themselves to achieve their targets. In the same way it would really amazing to see your favorite stars shedding pounds and looks gorgeous. But you must remember behind that glamorous outfit and the smiling faces there is a lots and lots of dedication and hours of hard work and sacrifices.
Few celebrities share their experiences
Ricky Lake chose her food with 1200 calories and she did hiking for 4.5 miles. Nick Carter lost a fabulous weight to 34 in his waist size by eating 1200 calories a day, completely stopped taking alcohol worked out in the gym almost six days in the week. Missy Eliot lost her flab’s after her stroke attack by changing to weight loss foods such as the brown rice, wheat breads, oatmeal and whole grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables. She also started going for swimming and dance classes to keep her fit and healthy!

Female Body Building - Is It Harmful for Feminine?


Female body building
Everyone these days are becoming more conscious about their physical fitness and are also working very hard to maintain optimum heath. Toning and building the Muscle tissues are known as the body building and it is widely being practiced by females too. Men are becoming more attracted towards the female body builder with the toned muscles. They are considered by almost every man to be sexier and more gorgeous than the other fragile women who are not practicing any physical activities. 
Challenges faced by a female body builder
For decades Body building is considered to be a masculine form of heroism. The female body builder has to meet this gender contrastive challenges that are still prevailing in the modern world of technology. This is the biggest disadvantage she faces that checks on her self confidence and stop her from exploring and achieving in the field of body building. The female body is so different from a man’s body, therefore it is essential that the female put in double her effort and sacrifice a lot to attain that toned muscles and a wonderful physique. If any woman wants to overcome these challenges and have that inner passion to body building should start their training with a proper guidance regarding the exercises and diet.
Few famous body builders
There are so many female personalities who have created history in the field of body building, and have been an inspiration to new budding female body builders; they are the Aimee Mol leman a Dutch builder, Alina Popa who won the title of Miss Universe 2007 and the World Champion of 2008, Amy Sibcy and Angela Salvagno.

Secret Revealed for Healthy You!

Mother Nature has provided so many benefits and rich gifts which showers you with all the richness of optimum health. Acai berry is the purplish black fruit from the Amazon treasures is one such precious gift of Mother Nature to us; it has been the vital food for the people living in the Amazon regions for decades. They eat the flesh and also drink a combination of juices like the smoothies and sodas.
In recent researches it was found that the acai berry fruit consists of protein in 8.1g, fiber in 44.2 gm and the carbohydrates in 52,2g, therefore it has been found that the fruit contains in oleic acid palmitic acid and oleic acid and antioxidants are available in a wide proportions. The flesh of acai berry is considered to be giving maximum energy and if you drink the juice it helps in the proper digestion.
This exotic fruit provides you with huge amount of advantages for attaining a healthy body. The fruit helps in reduces the aging process, gives mental clarity, , supplies the body with vital vitamins, promotes sound sleep cleanse and detoxifies the body of toxins that are infectious, builds the immune system, it helps in alleviating diabetes, aids in checking the cholesterol levels also help in fighting cancer forming cells, and inflammation is reduced helps the heart to function properly, increases the blood circulation and also help in better vision.
The acai berry cannot be eaten raw but it has to go through a series of procedure to attain the acai berry juice. More the fruit is analyzed under experts and scientists care, loads of benefits are being found. Therefore the importance of this energy fruit is becoming more popular global wide. And people are finding newer recipes and various exciting methods to consume the fruit. They blend the acai berry with cranberry or apple to form a health drink. But acai berry when taken as the colon clean treatments is the best way to acquire maximum health.
In today’s speedy competitive world people do not find time to spend for their well being. The food that they eat contains more of cheese oil, alcohol and sugars. This food habits results in the secretion of huge number of toxins which are harmful for the health. These toxins become poisonous to the body thus affecting their health. Now a small part of the digestive system is known as the colon, which helps in eliminating the waste products from the body. The unhealthy food habit proves hazardous to the body and collects huge amount of unwanted waste, fats and calories along the walls f the colon. If we do not remove these immediately it might lead to blockages and ends up in cancer in the colon.  Therefore it is very essential that we clean our body from the poisonous toxins, and one way by which we can do it is colon cleansing.
There are wide ranges of methods used to colon cleansed and this procedure gives so many health benefits to our body. Colon cleanse eliminates unwanted waste from the body thus reducing weight enormously. If the waste is not removed periodically then it might lead to constipation, bloating and many other complications. Colon cleansing helps in the easy movements of bowel. It also kills certain dangerous parasites which are present in the body. Effects of Indigestion such as gastric problems are also cured by colon cleansing. There are different kinds, methods and products present in the market of colon cleanse. Research and choose the correct best quality ingredient which suits your needs and helps you to live healthy.
But it would be the smartest choice made if you use acai berry to colon cleanse. Now this combination is the most efficient method of keeping your colon and body clean and healthy. Now the acai berry fruit contains huge amount of fibers and when the acai berry’s rich fibers are used as a colon cleanse then it sure makes the big difference in the body by giving great health factor as well as aids in reducing a considerable amount of weight. Now there are so many alternatives which are rich in fibers but nothing can be as beneficial as the acai berry colon cleanse, this is because of the factor that this little fruit contains big percentage of fiber content.
The acai berry colon cleansing helps to flush away all the toxins and wastes accumulated in the colon. The property of detoxifying present in the health fruit acai berry helps in rejuvenating your whole organs and cells of the body and removes all the unwanted wastes. Not only does the fruit colon cleanse, its major work ids that it starts cleaning up all the toxins and unwanted waste materials that are accumulating inside the organs such as the heart where the circulation of blood is purified, then it cleanses the lungs by helping you to breathe with ease because of the circulation of pure air, it also helps the liver and the large intestines and so it enhances the digestive procedures. Thus on the whole when you use the acai berry fruit for colon cleanse you are gifting your body with so many health benefits in addition to the natural cleansing process.
There are so many micro organisms and parasites inside the human body that slowly consume all the health gaining nutrients and minerals. These parasites are the biggest threat to the human wel being. With the help of acai berry colon cleansing these minute parasites are also killed and terminated from destroying the body’s health. The body becomes so healthy to perform its normal activities with maximum potential. The next most important and the most preferred advantage of acai berry colon cleanse is that it helps in improving your metabolism to a greater heights. This helps in losing weight consistently. Therefore those who want to lose weight in a healthy way can perform this acai berry colon cleansing. And the last wonderful benefit is that the antioxidant present in the acai berry acts on the body tissues and helps strengthening the heart and all the organs. Therefore act smart and pamper your parts of the body with acai berry and colon cleanse for achieving ultimate health!