Home Remedies Hair Care Tips
Are you facing severe depression because of hair loss problem? Are you craving to posses long, dense and shiny soft hair? Do not worry, search no further, you can now learn the secret tricks to manage and maintain your unmanageable hair.
1. Boil pure fresh coconut oil and put some bitter curry leaves in to it and keep boiling for few more minutes. Once the essence of the herb and oil blend together you can now store it in a bottle. Massage your scalp to strengthen and nourish your hair follicles.
2. Mix mustard oil to one fourth of fresh coconut oil. Add three menthol pieces and juice from a lime. This can also be massaged to add texture and softness to your hair.
3. Boil coconut oil and henna leaves and keep it aside in a bottle. This is a good conditioner. Store it in a tight container.
4. If you are suffering from dandruff then the best hair loss treatment is to rub juice of lemon in to the scalp.
5. Rosemary is also a good conditioner and tonic for your dry brittle hair.
6. Puree of carrots can be applied for more bouncing strong hair.
7. Drink plenty of water to cure hair loss
8. Mix coconut milk with two table spoon of gram flour and apply it to your hair for the health hair.
9. Beat skimmed milk with an egg massage in to the scalp
10. Avoid using harsh shampoos with harmful chemicals.
These are the top ten hair loss treatments which helped me in repairing my broken damaged hair. Nourish your hair with proper home remedies.